Bluefin Cruise Junior: Laura and Lexie’s Review and Insights

We spoke to Laura Corbe (@lauracorbe) and her daughter Lexie all about the 8’ Junior paddleboard. It was really interesting to hear both parent and child perspective on the board and also on paddleboarding.

Our thoughts on the Bluefin Cruise Junior

The parent perspective

We all want our kids to be happy & healthy. Beyond good food & exercise, I’m also passionate about gifting my daughters a connection to nature. I’ve lived & worked close to nature all my life so it comes as no surprise that research has now proven that spending more time outdoors increases our well being, self-esteem and creativity while reducing feelings of anxiety & depression. As parents worry that screen time is destroying our children’s ability to relate, studies show us that being in nature increases our ability to connect with others. More confident, less stressed kids sound like a big parenting win to me!

Laura and her family spend a chunk of the year travelling.

Stand Up Paddling is a great way to connect with your environment. Having spent much of their lives on the water, my kids love to SUP. It’s an activity that’s quickly mastered yet always keeps them on their toes. They can go off exploring or stay close by messing around with friends. It’s perfect for when they want to adventure on their own (within safe limits of course) and is a great activity for us to do together. They can make it as taxing or relaxing as they feel like and there’s usually plenty of wildlife encounters to add that extra ‘wild’ dimension.

Speaking of wildlife, checkout the reef shark spotted by Laura.

The kid perspective

The new Bluefin Cruise Junior arrived in the pouring rain and I had to wait almost a week before I could try it out. I’ve been on a SUP before but always on an adult board so I was excited to try out the junior board.

Lexi with her Bluefin Cruise Junior Board and a fellow Blue Fin!

One afternoon after school when the sun finally came out we went to try it out in the marina. I was happy because the bag is light enough so I can carry it on my own. Once mum adjusted the straps I could carry it down the dock to the water. I needed a bit of help to get it out of the bag and I was shown how to work the pump and the valve then I could inflate it on my own. 

The Bluefin Cruise Junior has a lighter and more compact bag to ensure that they will carry their own bag!

The water in Scotland is really cold & I didn’t have a wetsuit so I was a bit nervous I might fall in but I was still able to stand up straight away. I found it wobblier than the big boards I’m used to but after a few minutes of paddling in circles in the marina, I was able to go fast. This junior board is much faster to paddle and turns a lot more easily which I like, it’s really fun once you get the hang of it.

Lexie testing out the board in the marina.

Next, I wanted to try the clip on the seat that turns out to be really comfy and makes it into a kind of kayak. That was fun too, I’ve never done that before. I paddled straight across the bay to see the ducks and could go even faster. Now that I’ve got the hang of it I really want mum to buy me a wetsuit so I can go out more and not worry about falling in!

Thanks to Laura and Lexie! If you want to find out more about our Bluefin Cruise Junior read our blog post here. If you want one for yourself click here.

Our affiliates have poured their expertise into crafting comprehensive articles, guides, and reviews to help you unlock the full potential of our products. Our Tom from Stand Up Paddle Board World has meticulously tested and analyzed every aspect, ensuring content with genuine insights and practical advice. Delve into this thought-provoking article, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible value Cruise Junior brings to the table. Read more here.

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